Laquita Turner
Library Media Specilist

The Online Card Catalog (OCC) is the index that provides bibliographic access to the Ethel Reed Elementary School Library collection.

 An automated library collection is more efficient.


Media specialists are required to answer questions like:
  • How many books are checked out by person X?
  • Can you compile lists of materials on this or that subject?
  • How many books are overdue? Who has them?
  • How much time is required for cataloging, typing and sorting cards?

It is necessar to count circulation cards to generate such statistics.
With OCC the media specialist quickly answer these questions.

An automated library collection is more productive


Computers are powerful tools for doing repetitive, time consuming, tasks. When coupled with excellent software, they are the perfect tool for making work in the library easier and more productive, allowing librarians additional time to work with library users.

An automated library collection provides easy access for students to find what they need


Computers are excellent research assistants. They can help users find materials that would otherwise be undiscovered on the shelves. For years, librarians have labored to make their materials accessible through subject, title, and author entries via printed catalogs. Analytic entries provided access points above and beyond the title and author. Now, SLIM on your computer can provide patros with even greater access by allowing to search annotation, summary, and note fields as well as tracings and analytic entries. SLIM makes possible search by any part of the names of authors and illustrators. Wildcard matching of letter patterns provide additional access points impossible via traditional card catalogs.